Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mike Siegel

BEARS mourns the passing of Mike Siegel/W2RT…a longtime member and for years, chair of our volunteer examiner program. For all his many years as a professional broadcast engineer and ham, Mike never lost the “big kid” sense of wonder. He … Continue reading

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BEARS Quarterly Club Meeting & VE Session – January 17th @ ABC News HQ, Manhattan

Our quarterly BEARS meeting and VE session will take place Thursday, January 17th, 2019 in the cafeteria multimedia room at ABC News HQ, 47 West 66th Street in Manhattan.The venue is between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue, and is … Continue reading

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BEARS Quarterly Meeting & VE Session – October 18th

Our first quarterly meeting of the 2018-19 BEARS activity year takes place on October 18th, in the cafeteria multimedia room at 47 West 66th Street, between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue, in Manhattan. Our Club meeting will take place … Continue reading

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BEARS & DARI Welcome the New NLI SKYWARN Net!

The Broadcast Employees Amateur Radio Society, Inc. is pleased and privileged to welcome the New York – Long Island SKYWARN net to the Disney Amateur Radio Interconnect! The weekly net, run by John Hale/KD2LPM and Matt Berman/K9NYS, will launch on Sunday, … Continue reading

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2018 BEARS Leadership Nominations & Elections

A reminder that our annual election meeting will be held Wednesday, July 18th, 2018 at 5pm ET in the Multimedia Room at the rear of the ABC Cafeteria, 47 West 66th Street/Mezzanine, in Manhattan.  That’s between Central Park West and … Continue reading

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“Long Regional Nightmare is Over” – FCC Hits Recidivist NY Jammer with Huge Fine

Accused jammer Daniel Delise of Astoria, Queens, NY faces $23,000 in fines following an extensive FCC investigation into malicious activity on a number of NY-area amateur radio and government repeater systems. BEARS President Howard Price/KA2QPJ celebrated the Notice of Apparent Liability … Continue reading

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