Our second quarterly meeting of the 2017 activity year will be held April 19th, 5pm, at the ABC News HQ, 47 West 66th Street in Manhattan (between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue).
The meeting will take place in the multimedia room at the rear of the cafeteria on the mezzanine level. We’ll reprise Club activities to date, discuss future initiatives and discuss Club leadership changes. In keeping with recent custom, we especially welcome members of NYC CERT and NYC ARES to join us, and to engage with us on programs of mutual interest.
Please RSVP to Howard Price/KA2QPJ, our Club president, so that he can put you on the clearance list for building security. Use the subject line BEARS RSVP.
Our quarterly VE session will take place immediately following the Club meeting at 7pm. Walk-ins are welcomed, but please let Bill Kirkpatrick/WK2O know in advance if you plan to sit for an exam.